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The world’s most sensitive and accurate instruments for measurement of remanent magnetization of rocks based on classical (non-cryogenic) design. The new JR-6 and JR-6A feature two rotation speeds – the higher one enabling the maximum sensitivity to be reached, and the lower one enabling the measurement of soft sediment specimens. These instruments enable measurement of even very weakly magnetic sedimentary rocks including limestone.

JR-6/ JR-6A Data Sheet

JR-6/ JR-6A Manual

Accessories & Spare Parts

The instruments consist of a spinner/pickup unit and a measurement control unit. All functions are microprocessor controlled, including digital filtration of the signal, control and test of the speed of specimen rotation, and execution of automatic tests for erroneous conditions. The measurement process is fully controlled from a computer.
The instruments operate by rotating a rock specimen at a constant angular speed in the pick-up unit inside a pair of Helmholtz coils. Inside the coils an AC voltage is induced whose amplitude and phase depend on the magnitude and direction of the remanent magnetization vector.

JR-6 Manual Magnetometer

JR-6A Automatic Magnetometer

Designed for simple measurement of remanent magnetization with manual change of measuring positions of the specimens. According to the accuracy demands, one can measure the specimen in two, four or six positions. Designed for rapid and accurate measurement of remanent magnetization. Once the specimen is inserted into the sample holder, the position changes are made automatically by the instrument.


Cylinder Specimen Size 25.4 mm / 22 mm
Cubical Specimen Size 20 mm on edge
Sensitivity 2 x 10 -6 A/m (high speed)
Rotation Speed High:  87.7 rps
Low:   16.7 rps
Measuring Ranges up to 12,500 A/m
Power 110 V / 60 Hz or 220 V / 50 Hz
Power Supply Dim & Wt. 200 x 160 x 120 mm; 2.5 kg
Pick-up Unit Dim. & Wt. 290 x 130 x 310 mm; 24 kg

Equipment List

JR-6 Spinner Magnetometer JR-6A Spinner Magnetometer
JR-6 Power Supply Unit JR-6 Power Supply Unit
JR-6 Pick-up Unit JR-6A Pick-up Unit w/Auto. Sample Changer
Set of Specimen Holders (4 each) Auto. Cylindrical Specimen Holders (2 each)
Cylindrical and Cubic Standards Set of Specimen Holders for Manual Mode (4 each)
Boxes for Soft Rock Samples (3 each) Cylindrical and Cubic Standards
Set of Spare Parts Boxes for Soft Rock Samples (3 each)
Set of Interconnecting Cables Set of Spare Parts
REMA6 Software Set of Interconnecting Cables
REMASOFT Software REMA6 Software
AGICO Operating Manuals REMASOFT Software
AGICO Operating Manuals

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